The iconic song featuring Shah Rukh Khan in horse-riding sequences in the film ‘Baazigar’ was actually filmed using a body double due to SRK’s fear of horses. Director duo Abbas-Mustan revealed this during a recent interview, explaining that Shah Rukh’s face wasn’t clearly visible in the scene, so a body double was used for the horse-riding sequences. Despite this, Mustan praised Shah Rukh’s performance, stating that he acted as if he was riding the horse and performed exceptionally well.
During a fan Q&A, Abbas-Mustan discussed the possibility of a ‘Baazigar’ sequel featuring both Akshay Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan, who earned their nicknames Khiladi and Baadshah from the director duo’s films. Mustan expressed interest in creating a sequel if a compelling story is presented, hinting at the current trend of sequels in the film industry. The director duo previously hinted at the possibility of a sequel, stating that it is the time for sequels in the industry.
Released in 1993, ‘Baazigar’ was a major turning point in Shah Rukh Khan’s career, marking his breakthrough role as the sole lead and his first as an antihero. The film also marked Kajol’s first commercial success and Shilpa Shetty’s film debut. With a strong supporting cast including Siddharth, Dalip Tahil, Johnny Lever, and Raakhee in a special appearance, ‘Baazigar’ remains a significant film in Shah Rukh Khan’s 30-year career.