Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) has added a new showing class for American Miniature Horses to its 2025 schedule, in addition to the established Miniature Horse of the Year class. The breed is suitable for anyone, including children and adults, and is known for being easy to care for and work with, making them accessible to people with injuries or disabilities. The American Miniature Horses are also known for their friendly and social nature, making them ideal as therapy horses.
When looking for an American Miniature Horse for showing, it is important to refer to the breed standard and find a horse that is conformationally correct and moves well. The breed is generally a scaled-down version of lighter show horse categories, such as Arabian horses or hacks. The American Miniature Horse must meet specific eligibility requirements to participate in HOYS qualifiers, including standing 34 inches or less.
The cost of an American Miniature Horse can vary depending on factors such as breeding and previous performance. It is recommended to reach out to American Miniature Horse breed shows or the UK Studbook for recommendations of reputable breeders. When showing an American Miniature Horse, they should be presented in a simple halter and the handler should be smartly turned out in a jacket or long-sleeved shirt and smart trousers. Handlers have a variety of attire options, including western shirts or jackets, and cowboy hats are allowed.