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HomeHorse RidingThe Equestrian Physio: Bridging the Gap Between Rider and Horse Care

The Equestrian Physio: Bridging the Gap Between Rider and Horse Care

Katie Wood launched The Equestrian Physio in January 2023 to provide physiotherapy and performance services for both horseback riders and their horses. Wood, a registered physiotherapist and equine rehab therapist, aims to educate equestrians on the importance of treating their horses as living beings rather than fitness equipment.

Wood, a lifelong horseback rider, realized the gap in equestrian sport in terms of treating and training riders as athletes. She offers one-on-one consultations, equine rehab, and equestrian physio services through her business, as well as a training app for self-directed services. Wood emphasizes the importance of understanding basic rehab principles and applying appropriate interventions for both the rider and the horse.

Equestrian physio combines regular physiotherapy with the specific needs of equestrians. Wood treats a variety of acute and chronic conditions in riders, as well as tendon and post-surgical rehab in horses. She emphasizes the connection between the rider and the horse, noting that restrictions in one can impact the other. Wood’s goal is to help riders critically evaluate their treatments and understand the foundational principles of physiotherapy for equestrians and their horses.

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