Rishab Shetty’s upcoming film, Kantara: Chapter 1, set in the Kadamba period in Karnataka, is highly anticipated by audiences after the success of the first installment in 2022. Shetty, who is not only starring in the film but also directing it, has undergone extensive preparation for a war sequence in the movie. This preparation includes learning horse riding, Kalaripayattu, and sword fighting.
The Kadamba period in Karnataka, during which the film is set, was a significant era in Indian history, known for its architectural and cultural contributions. Shetty’s decision to focus on this period in the film has intrigued audiences and promises to showcase Indian culture in a captivating manner. The film is scheduled to hit theatres on October 2, 2025, and is expected to continue the success of its predecessor.
After the success of Kantara, Shetty announced that the film audiences saw was actually Part 2, and that the upcoming release will be the prequel, Kantara: Chapter 1. The film has completed 100 days in theatres, and Shetty expressed gratitude to the audience for their support. With the prequel set to be released next year, fans are eagerly awaiting the continuation of the story and the exploration of the Kadamba period in Karnataka.