A proposed 4,300-acre Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway logistics hub in Whitman, Arizona, has sparked concerns among local residents about the impact it will have on their community. Despite BNSF’s promises of economic growth, job creation, and tax revenue, many residents are worried about noise pollution, environmental damage, and lower property values. The area is home to protected species, and residents fear the project will affect local water supplies and flood mitigation efforts.
The equestrian community in the area is particularly concerned about the impact of the project, as many residents rely on horse-related businesses for income. The planned facility will operate 24/7, include large warehouses, heavy truck traffic, and a customs depot, potentially disrupting the peaceful way of life that residents moved to the area for. Environmental issues, such as the protection of species and water supplies, are also at the forefront of residents’ worries.
Residents have expressed frustration with the lack of information and transparency from BNSF regarding mitigation efforts for noise, traffic, and water concerns. The sale of the land by the state of Arizona to BNSF at a significantly lower value than a nearby property has added to residents’ concerns about the project. As the approval process continues, residents are uncertain about the future of their community and whether their voices will be heard in the decision-making process.