Barbara Ann “Barb” Westover, a legendary cowgirl from Egan, S.D., passed away unexpectedly due to a horse accident. Growing up on a family farm, Westover was deeply involved in farm life and had a passion for horses from a young age. She competed in 4-H and horse shows, eventually building her own successful breeding program that continued the legacy of her parents in the barrel racing industry.
Westover’s journey began when she acquired a buckskin mare named Casey’s Ladylove, who became her beloved horse show mount and later a successful broodmare. Casey’s offspring, including Frenchmans Flirt, French StreakToVegas, and French Streakin Jess, continued to excel in the barrel racing world. Westover and her husband, Tom, enjoyed traveling to watch their horses compete and Westover herself continued to compete in barrel racing.
In addition to her accomplishments in the rodeo world, Westover was also a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Her legacy lives on through her successful breeding program and the many horses she produced. The rodeo community extends their condolences to her loved ones during this difficult time.