Preparing your horse for the show ring involves focusing on the go-round, individual show, and conformation section. Standing correctly is crucial for the conformation phase, accounting for 50% of judging. Practicing standing still, walking away, and trotting back are essential skills to work on daily to prepare for the show ring.
The go-round tests your horse’s schooling and ability to remain calm around others. Introducing your horse to scenarios they will encounter in the show ring, such as riding with others and standing in line, can help them feel more comfortable. For the individual show phase, incorporating variety into your training program is key to keeping your horse engaged and listening to you.
Getting out and about to local shows or arena hires can help build confidence and familiarity for both novice horses and experienced riders. Early shows are a great opportunity to identify and resolve common issues such as overexcitement, spooking, and striking off on the wrong leg. Learning from mistakes and seeking advice from coaches can help improve your performance in the show ring.