The NCC cadets showcased a horse show at the Republic Day Camp in Delhi Cantonment, with top performers receiving trophies from DG NCC Lt Gen Gurbirpal Singh. Awards were given to the best riders in various categories, with cadets from different directorates participating in the equestrian competition. The event highlighted the importance of equestrian training in building characteristics like resilience, discipline, and endurance.
Cadets from across the country participated in the equestrian competition, with awards given for Best Tent Pegger and Best Rider categories. The NCC currently has 294 horses to train cadets in skills like coordination, strength, and discipline. The cadets undergo rigorous training in NCC Remount and Veterinary units to acquire top-notch horse-riding skills.
In 2024, cadets participated in regional equestrian competitions, winning medals and qualifying for the Junior National Equestrian Championship. The NCC aims to provide ample opportunities for cadets to excel in the sport, with 20 riding units across 12 NCC directorates. DG NCC highlighted the importance of equestrian training in providing cadets with a thrilling adventure and important life skills.