An investigation into the death of a pregnant mare at a rodeo at Petco Park in January found that the horse collapsed and died after a saddle bronc event, with her foal also not surviving. The San Diego Humane Society’s investigation did not find probable cause for criminal charges against the horse owner or rodeo organizers, as no laws were violated. The horse showed no visible signs of injury during the event but later collapsed and died due to a ruptured uterine artery.
The Humane Law Enforcement team’s investigation included interviews, witness statements, and expert opinions, but could not definitively prove that the horse’s participation in the rodeo directly caused her death. The San Diego rodeo Alliance, which operates the rodeo, stated that they have comprehensive measures in place to ensure animal safety and well-being, and that the death was due to an unforeseeable medical event. The San Diego Humane Society opposes rodeos and is calling on city leaders and event organizers to prohibit rodeos from being held at Petco Park or within city limits.
Animal activists continue to oppose rodeo events, while rodeo proponents argue that they are part of cultural traditions. Proposals to ban or restrict rodeo events in the city have been unsuccessful in the past. The San Diego Humane Society expressed disappointment that Petco Park planned to host a second rodeo after the incident.