Zouzo Majishan, a former Hanoverian auction highlight, made his international small tour debut at the 2025 CDI Ornago in Switzerland. The 10-year-old Hanoverian by Zack out of Sally was first owned by Wilhelm Klausing and later purchased by Swiss investor Helen Bloechlinger for 165,000 euros in partnership with French Grand Prix riders Charlotte Chalvignac and Jean François Vesin.
After moving through various trainers and riders in France, Denmark, and Germany, Zouzo eventually found a new home in Switzerland with owners Christian Meyer and Fabio Tino. Under Tino’s guidance, Zouzo made his show comeback at the CDN Ibach in September 2024 and debuted at small tour level at the CDN Bern in February 2025, achieving solid scores in both competitions.
Fabio Tino, a former show jumping rider turned dressage competitor, has high hopes for Zouzo’s future potential as a dressage horse. With Zouzo being only 10 years old, Tino believes there is still much for the talented Hanoverian to learn and offer in the dressage arena. Their recent success at the CDI Ornago in Italy indicates a promising future for the pair.