The FEI, in collaboration with #WeRideTogether, has created a free online Safeguarding training course available on FEI Campus for all individuals involved in equestrian sport. The course covers topics such as harassment and abuse in sport, actions to protect oneself and others, and how to respond to and report incidents of harassment and abuse. Participants will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the 90-minute course, which includes video clips, graphics, and quizzes.
The course is aimed at athletes, coaches, grooms, parents, officials, administrators, and volunteers at all levels of equestrian sport. While currently available in English, the content will be translated into other languages in the future. The course emphasizes the importance of creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment within the sport and encourages National Federations to have their own safeguarding policies in place.
The FEI is dedicated to promoting a culture of respect and understanding in equestrian sport and ensuring that it can be enjoyed by all in a safe environment. National Federations are encouraged to share information about the Safeguarding course with their communities and can reach out to [email protected] for any questions, comments, or feedback. The FEI expresses gratitude to #WeRideTogether for their support in delivering this important training course.