Horse owners from the Borderland area and as far south as Grand Rapids and Hibbing competed at the Northern Lights Saddle Club’s annual Western Saddle Club Association Show at the Graves ranch in Ray. The show served as a State Fair tune-up or a way to support equine events in the area, with Marilyn Graves, a judge with over 40 years of experience, hosting the event for the past five years.
The nonprofit show aimed to bring out the horse riding community, with riders and horses qualifying for the WSCA championship show at the St. Paul Fairgrounds in September 2009. WSCA judge Robert Purdy from Mondovi, Wis. attended the event for the fifth consecutive year, judging around 34 events from 10 a.m. to after 5 p.m. The Midwest was noted for having some of the best champion horses in the country.
Various competitions were held, including halter events, showmanship, English pleasure, English equitation, and western pleasure. Winners included Wendy Johnson, Rhonda Clark, Donovan Taylor, and Isabella Ettestad, with a special mention of Kelly Krueger and her mule Penny winning the open trail class. Megan Claybody, a student studying equine science, competed in the novice program and placed second despite the hot weather.