Hondo, a beloved member of the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol Unit, recently passed away after serving in various law enforcement units for over a decade. He was known for his service with the Cal Expo Mounted Police and the Fulton-El Camino Mounted Park Police before joining the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office for three years.
Sheriff Patrick Withrow considered Hondo his favorite horse for parades and special events, and the community also held a special place for him. Hondo’s death drew hundreds of reactions and comments on social media, with many noting his trust and love for handling people and crowds. His love for peppermint candy and gentle nature will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office described Hondo as an extraordinary horse known for his bravery, loyalty, and unwavering commitment to service. Details about Hondo’s age and cause of death were not immediately available, but his impact on the community and law enforcement will not be forgotten.