The San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office announced the death of Hondo, a beloved member of its Mounted Patrol Unit who had served in various law enforcement units for over a decade. Hondo was known for his calm demeanor and...
Horse riders in Burnaby are upset about the city's plan to pave a gravel trail for cyclists that has been used by riders and horses for over fifty years. The Burnaby Horsemen's Association is speaking out against the move,...
Simply Joking, a Pennsylvania-bred daughter of Practical Joke, made a successful debut in the six-furlong Letellier Memorial at Fair Grounds, winning in a photo finish. Trained by Whit Beckman, Simply Joking showed potential early on and went on to...
Lost Ark, a Grade 3-placed, multiple stakes winner, will begin his stud career at Northern Dawn Stables in Ontario at a fee of CA$4,000. The 5-year-old son of Violence is seen as attractive for the Ontario breeding market due...
In the neighborhood of Dainfern, seven-year-old Elizabeth Koinzack exudes a love for horses, particularly her favorites Captain Crunch and Ginger. She finds joy in riding and jumping obstacles, both on real horses and her hobby horses Strawberry, Feefee, Blueberry,...
Kent Farrington won the $200,000 UF Health Grand Prix CSI4* during Week III of the 2025 Winter Spectacular Show Series, securing the win aboard Toulayna. The jump-off featured Farrington, Laura Kraut, and Jonathan Corrigan, with Farrington ultimately clinching the...