Anush Agarwalla, India’s Asian Games gold-winning rider, announced the retirement of his horse Manni after a successful seven-year partnership. Manni played a crucial role in Agarwalla’s career, helping him achieve many firsts and compete in prestigious international events, including the Olympics. Agarwalla bid an emotional farewell to Manni, expressing gratitude for the trust and support they shared.
Agarwalla credited Manni for teaching him the beauty of the bond between a horse and rider, highlighting the trust and partnership they developed over the years. Manni, who is 19 years old, will now retire from competitive sport and enjoy the rest of his life in relaxation. Agarwalla expressed his deep appreciation for Manni’s role as a partner, teacher, and source of unwavering support throughout their time together.
The 25-year-old rider from Kolkata became the first Indian to compete in the dressage event at the Olympics in Paris last year, with Manni by his side. Agarwalla expressed hope for many more years of enjoying Manni’s company and thanked him for being the best companion. Manni’s retirement marks the end of a successful partnership that saw Agarwalla achieve significant milestones in his equestrian career.