Equinety Horse XL
Equinety Horse XL gives the body what it needs to help repair at a cellular level. For optimal results, use with Equinety Ultimate OEC.
How did we get our start?
Equinety Horse XL was brought to the Equine market in 2014 after having been used and marketed as an anti-aging “Youth Formula” for people over 16 years!
Who is it for?
Horse owners with horses of any age and discipline. Rescue horses to trail horses to breeding farms to high-performance horses and everything in between.
Equinety Ultimate OEC
Works in combination with Horse XL to give the repaired cells nutrition, serving as a powerful antioxidant to help reduce inflammation.
What problem are we solving?
Horses are lacking in amino acids, which is a very important piece of their diet. Equinety Horse XL gives your horse what it needs to help balance and repair at the cellular level. This takes out a lot of guess work. Equinety Ultimate OEC works in combination with the Equinety Horse XL to give the repaired cells nutrition and help reduce inflammation.
HIGH-PERFORMANCE EQUINE NUTRITION – Horse XL can help boost horse injury repair especially in working and performance horses. Horses of all ages and sizes, including pregnant mares, can use our horse joint supplement.
VETERINARIAN-APPROVED SUPPLEMENT – Horse XL contains a proprietary blend of branched essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Our horse hoof supplements are necessary for strength and muscle repair.
PURE AMINO ACIDS SUPPLEMENT – Equinety Horse XL coat defense for horses is made in the USA, 100% natural, and non-GMO. It does not contain fillers, soy, sugar, starches, or artificial flavors – a formula safe for horses.
HELPS ENHANCE HORSE’S LIFE – Our horse supplements can help improve mental focus and responsiveness. It’s also a digestive, immune system, and horse joint supplement. Make it a part of your equine supplies and see your horse improve over time.
100-DAY SUPPLY – One tub of Horse XL lasts 100 days – 1 scoop daily is all you need for regular horses – but for injured horses, you may need to give 2 scoops, depending on the vet’s advice. Horse XL is a pituitary supplement so there is no need to compute dosage.